George Beto Unit, TX Prison Roster, Online Inmate Search

Updated on: November 28, 2024
Nationwide Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot.

George Beto Unit


1391 FM 3328, Tennessee Colony, TX, 75880

George Beto Unit offender locator: INS, Filing Date, Arrests, Address Given, Detainer Information, Mugshots, Inmate List, Bond, Booking Time, Bookings, Booking Date, Release Date, Post Date, Who's in jail, Description, Charges, Type, Warrant.

Use this website for informational purposes only.

George Beto Unit in Texas can house up to 3150 at one time, and is considered a medium security facility. There are many different programs available to inmates included treatment programs, education programs, and a welding program (with certification). These programs help inmates at the George Beto Unit prepare for a reentry into society and give them skills to help them become successful.

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George Beto Unit — General Information

Facility Name George Beto Unit
Facility Type State Prison
Authority Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Capacity 3150
Address 1391 FM 3328, Tennessee Colony, TX, 75880
Phone 903-928-2217
City Tennessee Colony
Postal Code 75880
State Texas
County Anderson County
Official Website

Inmate Search

Nationwide Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot.

The best way to locate an inmate at the George Beto Unit is to call 903-928-2217. Have the full name and date of birth of the inmate available. You can also search for an inmate on the Texas Department of Corrections website.

Sending a Mail/Care Package

You can send letters, postcards, and photographs 4”x6” or smaller. Be advised the mail will be screened prior to delivery to an inmate. Ensure no contraband is in the mail, including images that are sexual in nature.

Send mail to:

Inmate name

Inmate Texas CD#
1391 FM 3328, Tennessee Colony, TX, 75880

Sending Money

Any person who has been approved as a visitor for an inmate can send the inmate money via a money order. The money order should be addressed to the inmate’s name and include his inmate number. The money orders should be send to the George Beto Unit at the same address as above.

You can also send money online using JPay. There is a small fee associated with online payments through JPay.

Phone calls

While inmates at the George Beto Unit cannot receive phone calls, there are a couple different ways they can call you. If you accept the charges, they can call collect. Alternatively, they can call through Global Tel Link (GTL) if they have a prepaid telephone account setup in their name.

Be advised that calls will be recorded, unless they are between an inmate and his attorney, and they are restricted to 20 minutes in length. Inmates cannot participate in 3-way calls. You need to be on a preapproved list of people who the inmate can call.


Call 903-928-2217 to plan a visit. Some paperwork will need to be filled out, and you will need to get on the approved visitation list prior to visiting an inmate for the first time.

You will not need a set time. New visitors will not be allowed in after 2:45PM during each visitation day.

Visiting Hours

Saturday — 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday — 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Refer the map below to find the driving directions.

Other Types of Correctional Facilities in Texas
